Packaging to 2050 of LLW as Identified in the UK Radioactive Waste Inventory (UKRWI)
Working in collaboration with NSG Environmental Ltd, Eden NE undertook a detailed review of the UKRWI to assess waste stocks and forecast arisings to 2050, for both LLW and borderline LLW/ILW streams, to understand the likely packaging requirements to support their management and disposal. The project included performing a review of the different packaging options available both in the UK and overseas that are routinely used when managing LLW and borderline ILW/LLW. A key feature was to develop a Container Signposting Resource (a searchable database of waste package options), which continues to be available and used by the industry. The project included engaging with a wide range of both packaging suppliers and waste producers to provide a comprehensive list of existing packaging capability, to identify barriers and blockers to the use of certain packaging, and to establish gaps in packaging provision needed to support future management of UK decommissioning waste arisings.
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