Radioactive Waste Disposal
We provide technical support to operators of landfill and vault-based disposal facilities for Very Low-Level Waste (VLLW) and Low-Level Waste (LLW), technical support to nuclear site operators for on-site waste disposals, and technical support in the development of Near-Surface Disposal (NSD) and deep geological disposal options for Higher Activity Waste (HAW). This includes the development and review of Environmental Safety Cases (ESCs) for radioactive waste disposal sites and Site-Wide Environmental Safety Cases (SWESCs) for nuclear operational and decommissioning sites. We work on repositories in the UK and internationally.

Radioactive Waste Management
We deliver Waste Management Plans (WMPs) and integrated waste strategies for our nuclear industry clients. This includes the optimisation of the management of radioactive waste, spent fuel and nuclear materials. We provide technical and strategic analyses of options, and underpinning technical studies.

Radiological Assessments
We undertake prospective assessments of the health impacts of radioactivity to people and the environment from nuclear operations, including health impacts during post-operational regulatory control and after release from regulatory control.

We provide Best Available Techniques (BAT) and optimisation studies for development, decommissioning and waste management projects across the UK and internationally. Within the UK our approach follows the principles of the Value Framework set out by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

Technical Management
We bring subject matter experts from different companies together to provide value-for-money solutions to our clients. We deliver technical management support and co-ordination of complex multi-disciplinary projects.

Stakeholder Engagement
We facilitate meetings and workshops bringing government organisations, regulators, operators, academia, and the public together in an informed and independent manner and deliver the outcomes in a friendly and co-operative environment.

Regulatory Compliance
We advise on the development and implementation of regulation and on strategies for regulatory (safety and environmental) compliance in the UK and internationally. In the UK this includes compliance with emerging regulation such as “Guidance on Requirements for Release of nuclear sites from radioactive substances regulation” (GRR) and the implications of Proportionate Regulatory Control (PRC). We develop guidance to assist practitioners to comply with the regulations.